Need to create real content?
We got you covered!

Gennie.AI transforms your daily life with AI-driven solutions, making every day easier and more productive.

Amazing content
Gennie hero section
Gennie hero mobile
Over fourty templates

Trusted by 10,000+ teams and the world’s leading companies.

One tool for all best models

Our AI tools work seamlessly for all essential aspects of your business! Create and manage content, image and answer questions with the touch of a button.

Describe content, generate, and done!

With Gennie Prompts, you have over 40 templates at your disposal, and have the freedom to customize the content to perfectly match your desired style, tone, and length. Whether you need engaging blog posts, creative real estate ads or captivating marketing contents, Gennie has got you covered.

Real estate
Content rewriter
Content generation tool

Empower Your Smartphone with Autopilot Call Handling!

Say goodbye to the hassle of constant phone checking. With Gennie Voice, your smartphone can now take charge. Let it handle missed calls, summarize voice messages and send them directly to your WhatsApp. No more dependency on cell phone coverage—just internet connectivity to keep you in the loop. Experience a smarter way to stay connected with Gennie Voice while also effectively combating scam calls!

Test Drive Gennie Voice (1 min)

  1. We will create a custom voicemail for you
  2. You will listen and leave a message
  3. The summary will come straight to your Whatsapp
Features content management

Whatever you need, just ask straight from Whatsapp

where you can effortlessly dispatch your content requests to Gennie via WhatsApp. Brace yourself for a prompt and comprehensive response, right there in your WhatsApp chat! Prepare to be amazed by the professionalism exuded in every interaction with Gennie Text.

Facebook headlines
Instagram content and captions
Features social media

Create amazing images to use in your campaigns

Are you looking to level up your campaigns with some jaw-dropping free-for-use images? Look no further! is here to transform your vision into stunning visuals that will captivate your audience. Get ready for an extraordinary campaign experience!

Landscape image
Vintage cars
Sunglasses sign
Features image generator

Leverage your team to another level!

Effortlessly save and categorize templates based on specific workbooks. Say goodbye to cluttered files and hello to organized efficiency. With our intuitive system, you can easily access and deploy the perfect template for any project. Streamline your workflow and take productivity to new heights

Welcome email
Company tools features

Gennie.AI is available in English, Spanish and Portuguese, and it can create content in more than 40 languages

Ask AI any questions straight from WhatsApp

Our tool helps you answer all your client’s questions via Whatsapp.

Ask for story
Mobile ask for story
Ask for advice
Whatsapp left
Mobile text ainstein
Women types on whatsapp
Text right

Gennie.AI in real life

Check out some of the tools and prompts Gennie.AI has to offer.

Frequently asked questions

Still can’t find what you’re looking for? See all our FAQ for more questions and answer.

Ready to write at the speed of light?

See how can write amazing content for you.

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