Powerful AI writing tools at your fingertips.

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Content management tools
Image generator tools
Company tools
Content generation

Gennie.AI is available in English, Spanish and Portuguese, and it can create content in more than 40 languages

Content Generation

Describe content, generate, and done!

With over 40 templates and prompts at your disposal, you have the freedom to customize the content to perfectly match your desired style, tone, and length. Whether you need engaging blog posts, creative real estate ads or captivating marketing contents, Gennie.ai has got you covered.

Platform content generation
Platform content management

Content Management

Organize all of your contents in one place

Just like a well-structured library, we’ll help you organize all your AI-generated content into one convenient hub.

Content for Social Media

Put social media creation on autopilot!

Ready to experience the magic of social media on autopilot? Gennie.ai is here to make it happen! Wave goodbye to the days of struggling to come up with fresh content ideas.

Our AI-powered wizard will take the reins, ensuring a steady flow of captivating posts and irresistible graphics that will keep your audience hooked.

Platform social media

Ask AI any questions straight from WhatsApp

Our tool helps you answer all your client’s questions via Whatsapp.

Ask for story
Mobile ask for story
Ask for advice
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Mobile text ainstein
Women types on whatsapp
Text right
Platform image generator

Image Generator

Create amazing images for campaigns

Are you looking to level up your campaigns with some jaw-dropping free-for-use images? Look no further!

Gennie.ai is here to transform your vision into stunning visuals that will captivate your audience. Get ready for an extraordinary campaign experience!

Company Tools

Leverage your team to another level!

Just hand over your content, and our AI Rewriter will work its magic, transforming it into a whole new creation.

You’ll be amazed at how it can reimagine your words, adding a touch of creativity, humor, or even a dash of sarcasm. Brace yourself for a mind-blowing revision!

Platform company tools

Ready to write at the speed of light?

See how Gennie.ai can write amazing content for you.

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